Flight Simulator

Genesa Flight Academy | Sekolah Pilot Murah | Sekolah Pilot Terbaik | Rekomendasi Sekolah Pilot | Sekolah Pilot Indonesia

The Redbird MCX

The Redbird MCX is ideal for any flight school, providing enhanced training from student pilot to professional crew. The dual controls of the MCX allow an instructor, instructor-in-training, or co-pilot to perform maneuvers from the right seat. During initial pilot training, an instructor can demonstrate maneuvers from the right seat before the student tries their hand, just like you would do in the real airplane. For advanced training, the MCX provides a platform where crew training can be perfected.

Genesa Flight Academy | Sekolah Pilot Murah | Sekolah Pilot Terbaik | Rekomendasi Sekolah Pilot | Sekolah Pilot Indonesia

Flight Simulator

In addition to the impressive features found on other Redbird full-motion simulators, the MCX includes a dual, control-loading yoke system and dual rudder pedals for simultaneous pilot and copilot control. When you add this dual control system to the MCX’s wrap-around visuals, quick-change cockpit configurations, and extensive government approvals, the MCX becomes a truly powerful training tool for any organization.

Genesa Flight Academy | Sekolah Pilot Murah | Sekolah Pilot Terbaik | Rekomendasi Sekolah Pilot | Sekolah Pilot Indonesia

Genesa Flight Academy

Rekomendasi Sekolah Pilot

Sekolah Pilot Murah
Sekolah Pilot Terbaik
Sekolah Pilot Indonesia